You may have wondered why Chacha Ji aka Jazzy B works out as much as he does. (Kind of weird having to write Jazzy B instead of Chacha Ji but anyways continue on reading.)
Yes, there are the physical reasons (he lost 33 pounds!) and has completely altered his body (scroll down to see his before and after picture.)
But, there is a reason beyond just losing the weight as to why Jazzy B works out as much as he does.
In this article, you will discover powerful reasons as to why he works out.
They are significant.
Check out the interview below!
How Are You Able To Be So Consistent With The Gym?
I think when it comes to working out or anything you do you have to be strong and enjoy what you are doing. For me I enjoy challenges and that is why I love working out. It gives me space to conquer all the new challenges that may be in front of me. I accepted the challenge of changing the way my body looked and I have been able to do that because I don’t look at working out as a burden, I look at as a privilege. To be able to be healthy enough to perform physical activities such as working out, running and all that is a blessing so I don’t take it for granted and that alone allows me to be consistent. Having that perspective helps.
How Do You Feel Physically, Mentally and Your Daily Mood Since You Started Working Out Consistently?
It’s made a huge difference. Everyone human in this world has some problem that pulls at them and I am no different you know what I mean. Every time I go to the gym it’s like an energy shift for me. I feel like I am releasing a lot of that negative energy within myself so that always feels good. Also, in terms of my mood, I feel very relaxed throughout the day after I go in the morning, the whole day goes by nice and smooth.
Do You Have Days Where You Don’t Want to Workout? If so, How Do You Not Allow That To Takeover Your Mind?
Yea man LOL I have those days of course. I think everyone does, but I am the type of guy that does not allow those thoughts to take over so I push myself past that and keep my mind clear. Pretty much anytime those thoughts arise I literally just push myself and don’t take them too seriously. And you know I have my cha the cup in the morning and I am ready to go.
Has Working Out Helped Your Singing? If so, How?
Oo definitely. Firstly, stamina has been so much better. I am not the type of singer who just stands there and sings. I move around a lot, dance and since I sing at a high pitch, I have to make sure I am in great condition because people can tell when you’re getting tired on stage. That’s the great thing about live singing, it reveals a lot about the artist’s abilities and capabilities! But now, since I been working out consistently, I can perform for 3-4 hours easily and still keep going if I have to. So yea it’s helped out a lot in terms of every part of singing.
Have You Noticed Since You Started Working Out That It’s Pushed Others To Do So As Well?
Especially because of social media nowadays you can influence people in the right way. Yes, there’s a lot of negative to social media but I always try to look at how I can use it in a good way. So I try to post my workouts as much as I can. It’s great because I have people coming up to me all the time saying Paji I started the gym because of you, I have changed a lot of my negative habits just by seeing you workout. So just knowing that is happening is an amazing feeling.
Lastly, Do You Have a Message You Want To Give Out to the People?
Ooo yea I just got a simple message for everyone: I want people to accept themselves for who they are, be happy with yourself. If I listened to what everyone wanted me to be and followed that, I would not have been Jazzy B. Only you know the truth of your path so you got to trust yourself.
Also, I know everyone suffers from some sort of pain but there is a way out. Guru Nanak Ji said this that if humans can conquer their own mind, they can conquer the world. And by being happy with yourself you become content with life, however, that does not mean you cannot get better at certain things in different ways like the gym or any skill because you can. It just means you are at peace with your own self.

Personal Trainer
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