The main reason why anybody starts their fitness journey is because they want to feel better. They want to feel better internally and see how great they can make their body look externally. This is no different for Monica Atwal, who caught the gym bug and has not looked back since.
Why did she catch the bug and what has her still going strong for almost a year in a half?
Well, life has a funny way of pushing us so deeply into some form of pain that the only way to go past that emotional threshold is by looking internally.
Below is my interview with Monica and in this interview you’ll see how she not only changed herself but has inspired others to do so as well.
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What was the turning point that led
you to start your own fitness journey?
I have always been into fitness maintaining the whole health is wealth concept, however things took a turn and health was not so much wealth for me or perhaps I should say not my main focus. The downhill spiral began within 2013-2014. It was a rough few years emotionally, physically and mentally. There was no diagnosis for what I was going through and it affected all aspects of my life.
Maybe it was depression, maybe it was something more or maybe it was just life. The maybe’s will always be there because “I” never bothered to look into seeking advice, guidance, answers or even talking about what I was feeling deep down inside and that is a shame considering who I am, what I preach, or what I do for a living. I am that girl that is always there for everyone. I am that person that lends her shoulder for everyone to cry on. I am the comedian. I make people laugh. I professionally counsel those in distress, I am a motivational speaker and I love sharing stories. There is never a dull moment with me BUT I had a strong image to maintain. I ain’t got no problem kinda thing. I wasn’t going to share this story with anyone. You in fact are the only person that I am even sharing this with and soon to people I don’t even know. But, it is important for people to know that what I went through was REAL and like me, I know others go through these things too. For me it was an emotional breakthrough.
Every Sunday like most of us do, have those inner voices/thoughts, I would say “I’m going to start on Monday. Monday is detox. Monday is gym. Monday, that’s it I’m going to change. Monday is Monday Motivation bla bla bla.” But I failed miserably every single Monday till Monday, November 13th, 2017 happened and that was my turning point to my fitness journey because on that Sunday before I had a rude awakening and that is when I realized I lost myself. Even though no one ever said anything to me and why would they?! I never gave them a reason to even ask because of my bubbly personality and maintaining that strong girl image.
During this phase, there was no gym in my life however, I always ate healthy but the weight was started to creep, my metabolism was slowing down due to not being active. I was seeing my parent’s age, I was having relationship issues; I second guessed my life choices. In addition, I could also feel the water retention, toxins buildings and more so the ever so powerful negativity that surrounded me and I was now inhaling that too.
Like I said, these were my Sunday inner voices/thoughts. I remember very clearly, leaving my house abruptly that evening. I felt enraged, frustrated and hated my life for that spilt second. Took a long drive down country side and I screamed as loud as I could. I cried like never before. I will never forget that broken doll feeling that took over me so fiercely. When it all did stop while still driving, I was like “damn, this is not me.” I needed to embrace positivity and have those endorphins back into my life. Feel it. Breathe it, Exhale it.
Sooooo, Rise n Shine. Monday 4:30am Flex happened and that was MY turning point!
How has the gym helped you
physically, mentally and emotionally?
It has been one year and almost 5 months since I have been consistent with my 4:30am flex and I feel like a super woman. More importantly my mood and mental health has improved immensely. No wonder they say exercise promotes chemicals in the brain that improves your mood and makes you more relaxed. The brain releases the ‘FEEL GOOD’ chemicals we call Endorphins throughout the body. It has reduced my anxiety, negative mood and has enhanced my self-esteem greatly. The gym life matters. it really did my life good! I have never felt better. I am such a positive person more now than ever. Truthfully, the gym saved my sanity and created a different outlook on life.
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What drives you to be consistent? Also, do you have days where you don't feel like going?
What drives me to be consistent?! The answer to that is simple. I never want to feel the way I felt like on November 12, 2017; therefore this is what makes me consistent and dedicated to what I am doing on a daily basis.
Yes, of course I have those days where I don’t want to get up that early. I am human after all. Getting up by 4:30am every morning is not easy. I may make it look all fun and dandy. But thank god for those Pre-workout drinks. LOL You have to have a disciplined day and life. But luckily, I am a light sleeper and don’t like to sleep really and don’t require much beauty sleep either. For those that know me, know me as the one saying SLEEPING IS A WASTE OF LIFE. Sleeping is important for our mental health, recovery and no it is not a waste of life.
A lot of people have been showing you love on social media, did you ever think your own journey would motivate people? And how does that make you feel?
I am in awe honestly. Touched. Humbled. Grateful and ever so full of joy that so many people reached out to me personally and shared their inner most intimate feelings with me. I get real senti like that so I go above and beyond to help anyone who asks for it. I am not a certified trainer or no food nutritionist coach. I am just ME and I think people in my circle of life know that about me and the love reciprocates back naturally but I never thought I would get this much love.
I displayed my 1 year journey full force in ALL my social media platforms by consistently posting pictures every day in the gym. I tried to show everyone the transformation through being natural, dedicated, focused and disciplined. Anyone can do it, you just got to put your mind to it and this was the greatest tool I did to help those people that showed me love through inspiring THEM and motivating them and I did it through the channels of social media.
We are in the era of Social Media and if used in a positive manner it can be the helping guide and before my November fitness journey coming into play…there were 4 specific people on social media that hit me where it hurt and hit me for the best. These 4 played a vital part in my journey. They blasted their fitness regime on social media and caught my attention just like I caught the attention of those that showed me love including you. They motivated and inspired me to do the same. Those 4 people don’t even know they were a crucial part of my fitness journey. Nor did they even know what I was feeling. But they were and still are my fitness role models. Dedication, power, performance, consistency was real to me.
I know you are probably thinking who the fabulous 4’s that inspired me is and was:
One is my previous Personal Fitness Trainer who beautifully kicked my ass and taught me strength and core training vigorously when I worked out with her before the down hill spiral began. She still is my envy and now my greatest supporter. Love her.
Another one I have known since high school, we shared a bestie and is now a very successful Online Wellness Fitness Certified Coach and wows me everyday. She is like my hidden mentor girlfriend. That one line I won’t forget it takes 3 weeks for people to notice. |She ROCKS it everyday.
Next level one, my ride or die girl now, who I would watch her snaps daily and be like what the hell…how is she doing the 5am flex. She’s so much younger than me. She should be sleeping. If she could do it. I can do it. Hence the 4:30am Flex motivator came about.
Last but not least, my celebrity and ever so awesome good and dear friend who copies my blonde lol jk. Who preaches No pain No gain and if you follow him then you know who I’m talking about.
So the power of social media I tell you! It sure works!
Thank You 🙂