Want to know how you can help YOU lose weight and keep it off?
Yes, proper diet and exercise is the main reason, but you need to have the right perspective too.
You simply cannot dread working out or the lifestyle you are about to embark on.
You have to enjoy the journey and the process.
Keep reading below to find out how you can bring more joy to your life and workouts!
Be Present
A lot of times in our lives we end up in LALA land (the land that does not exist) and are not fully present with what we are doing. By living in our heads we are missing out on so much of life and spend it on thinking and worrying about situations that don’t even exist at that moment.
For example, you are driving and you have no idea how you got there because you were in your head.
When we do that we take away from the simplicity of the moment.
By practicing being present you can simply get more out of your life and workouts.
When you start being more aware of how your body is moving and how it feels in certain movements you automatically start root to yourself in reality.
Spend more time living than thinking and watch how your body relaxes and everything happens with such ease.
By doing this, muscles can relax and you won’t feel as tight, hence you will be able to do movements way easier.

Don’t Look for Instant Gratification
A common issue in this generation is really the need for instant gratification and the lack of patience.
Lacking patience and allowing it to take over you, kills any and all potential that you have.
Because of Instagram and all these social media networks people too often show their progress and not the journey.
The journey is beautiful.
The challenges, the joy, the struggle all allow you to have a better perspective.
When working out, have the perspective that this is a lifestyle change and not your whole life.
It’s one aspect of your life.
And this is exactly why you do not do fad diets.
Fad diets will help you lose weight so fast but leave your metabolism slower than a turtle in a race.
Due to fad diets not being sustainable you will fall off the wagon and binge.
For this reason, find a sustainable method of eating!
Eat-in a balanced way.
Be present and enjoy the journey.
Do not rush your results because remember it’s a lifestyle
Lastly, you are the power. Do not let others take you off the track of how you want to live.
Last Words
By applying the 2 perspectives above you will be able to enjoy your fitness journey that much more. Simply by being more present, you will have a newfound joy for life.
Furthermore, by adopting fitness as a lifestyle instead of a short term fix, the results will take care of themselves because you are not adding unnecessary pressure to yourself to see results in a particular time period!
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Personal Trainer
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