Are you looking for simple and easy exercises you can do from home?
Then you will want to continue reading all the way through.
Today you will discover exercises that require no equipment but still can be challenging enough for you to see some results.
However, when it comes to performing these exercises, doing them with great form is what separates you from seeing results vs. not seeing results!
Nonetheless, let’s get to these exercises!
Lunges are easily one of the best exercises you can do from home.
When performing lunges you will feel it in your quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves and as well as your core!
Tips on How to Perform Lunges Properly
- Step out a good distance.
- Drop the back knee down
- Keep the front heel down
- Stay upright or lean forward for more glute activation.
Check out the video below to see how to lunge properly.
Now, if you cannot do push-ups with your legs completely straight, do them with your knee on the ground.
It is always better to get a full range of motion during an exercise then it is to just go quarter of the way.
When doing the knees on the ground push-up, make sure to go down as one unit.
What does that mean?
It means don’t let your hip lag as you come down.
Bring your whole body for the ride down.
Bulgarian Split Squats
Don’t feel comfortable with your squat form?
Then try performing the Bulgarian split squat!
This is an amazing lower body exercise that works on balance and stability as well!
It is super challenging and can help shape the way your legs look in no time.
If you do not have a bench at home, you can use your couch or a chair to put your leg on!
Watch the video below to see how to perform the Bulgarian split squat properly!
Planks are an amazing core exercise that you can simply do anywhere.
When performing planks, you will typically see people hold it for as long as they can.
However, it is far more beneficial to do planks in intervals.
Why is that you may ask?
Because Dr. Stuart McGill, a world-renowned back specialist has claimed that is useless to do long holds for planks and it will put less strain on your back doing it in an interval-style.
This is easily the most loved one on the list…….
Burpees, as challenging as they can be, offer an amazing amount of benefits for an exercise that you can do from home and without weight.
However, because a lot of people do not understand the mechanics of them, beginners should avoid this exercise.
Because they are at a higher risk of developing knee pain due to not having the proper mechanics yet to land properly
For this reason, it may be better to do mountain climbers instead of burpees.
Last Words
All in all, these are great exercises you can do from home.
Remember though, always perform these exercises with proper form.
The form is absolutely crucial when it comes to seeing results and reducing the risk of injury!

Personal Trainer
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