We always hear that ‘you must drink water, there are a lot of benefits to drinking water.’
But what exactly are these benefits and why is drinking water so important?
Is it because almost 60 percent of our bodies are water? (some will say even more)
The fact that the majority of our body is made up of water, regardless of the exact percentage, is telling.
Why is it telling?
Well, it is telling because, without a sufficient amount of water consumption, we cannot function at our optimal level.
For this reason, I wanted to go into detail about what the benefits of drinking water are, approximately how much you need and much much more.
Scroll on down to read more.
How Do We Lose Water?
Before I go into the benefits of drinking, let’s go over some of the ways that you lose water.
The few of the ways that you lose water are breathing, sweating, exercise, and urination.
Now, depending on the season, this too can vary.
For example, in the summer because the temperature is a lot warmer, you will lose more water due to sweat.
Therefore, it is vital to stay a bit more hydrated during the warmer seasons.
How much water should you be drinking?
Well, we will get into that later.
First, let’s check the benefits of drinking water out!
11 Benefits of Drinking Water
Ultimately for you to function at your highest level, you must get a sufficient amount of water in.
All cells in our body thrive off of water and so do our organs.
Check out all the amazing benefits below!
1. Aids in Weight Loss
Simply by cutting out high calorie, sugary drinks you can potentially create a greater calorie deficit for yourself.
With pops and juices being so high in calories, but not very filling, you end up being in a caloric surplus.
The satiety from sugary drinks is nothing.
For this reason, drinking water can help aid in weight loss because it is ZERO calories!
Furthermore, sometimes the body can make it seem that you are hungry but you are actually dehydrated. Get to know your body and see if you have drunk enough water!
2. Lubricates Your Joints
80 percent of the cartilage in our joints contains water. When dehydrated, your risk of joint pain and injury can go up significantly.
For this reason, consume a sufficient amount of water so you put less stress on your body and joints!
3. Clears Your Skin
Due to our body being over 60 percent water, simply by consuming water you can start to clear out your skin.
It will start to give it shine and flow because you are removing waste from your body and it is hydrated.
Therefore, all those who would like clear skin, make sure to drink a good amount of water!
4. Helps Prevent Headaches
A lot of times when we are dehydrated our heads can start hurting.
When you have a headache, try to figure out why it is there.
Is it because of stress?
Or is it because you just have not drunk enough water today.
Simply by observing yourself you can get a pretty good answer.
5.Helps Aid in Exercise Performance
If you have played sports, you know how important this is. Not only because it helps with performance but it greatly reduces your chance of cramping up!
When training or playing the last thing you want is to cramp up and hinder your performance.
With 79 percent of our muscles being water, you can really alter your performance by staying hydrated!
6. Helps Form Saliva and Mucus
Do you ever try eating something with a dry mouth?
Yea, not fun right?
Water is key when it comes to forming saliva and mucus.
Without it, you will be walking around dry-mouthed and not getting the most out of your taste buds.
Therefore, drink enough water so you can enjoy the taste of food!
7. Optimal Brain Functioning
With 73 percent of our brain made up of water, you can only imagine the benefits of staying hydrated can have on you.
Drinking a sufficient amount of water can not only help with clarity but overall functioning too.
8. Reduces Fatigue
No doubt that coffee can help wake you up, but water can too.
By drinking water, you won’t fatigue as fast because so much of our organs and blood is made up of water.
Simply by consuming more water you can be more energized.
Being dehydrated is like driving with the gas light on, your car can still run, but it’s not going to be optimal nor will you get too far!
9. Helps With Regularity
Water helps immensely with regular bowel movement.
A lack of water can increase the likelihood of constipation and digestive problems.
With this in mind, don’t forget to hydrate.
10. Reduces Chance of Hangover
No one ever came out and said hangovers are fun.
Knowing how painful hangovers can be and how they can destroy your next day, it is ultra important to consume water during your night.
Avoiding sugary drinks is also a must because they tend to increase the likelihood of vicious hangovers!
Therefore, mixing your drinks with water and only a splash of pop can help.
Or making sure you get enough water in your throughout your night!
11. Removes Waste From Body
Yes, your body is capable of removing toxins and waste from your body by itself.
No special detox supplement is needed, nor any juicing cleanse.
Simply by consuming more water and fiber, your body can remove any environmental toxins within your body!
Therefore, don’t waste your money on any detoxes because that’s what your organs are for and one of the many benefits of drinking water!
How Much Water Should You Consume?
There is no set amount of water you should consume because it varies from individual to individual.
However, there are recommendations, guidelines, and tools you can use to see how hydrated you actually are.
Let’s start with the recommendations.
It is recommended that Men get 3.7 liters in a day, whereas for women it is ideal to get 2.7 liters.
Furthermore, it is ideal to spread your intake out so you are not a frequent washroom visitor, but it could still happen regardless!
Guidelines and Tools
An amazing way to see if you are hydrated or not is it to actually look at your urine. By looking at your urine you will see how hydrated you actually are. Remember, the darker your urine is, the more dehydrated you are. The lighter it is, the more hydrated you are.
Using that guide you will give you a good idea about how much water you have consumed, or not consumed.
How Much Water Do People Actually Drink?
In a study carried out by the CDC, it was found that 36 percent of adults consume only 1-3 glasses of water a day!
Seven percent came out and said they consumed no water at all in their day!
Now, that is close to 50 percent of people who are walking around super dehydrated and causing stress on their bodies.
Get more water in, your body will thank you and so will your overall productivity.
Does Food Contain Water In It?
Yes, there are certain foods you can eat that contain water in it.
Below are some of the foods that hold water:
- Watermelon
- Strawberry
- Oranges
- Peaches
- Cauliflower
- Cucumbers
- Lettuce
Some of these are low-calorie fruits that you can add to your diet that will not only help you stay hydrated, but full as well!
Does Drinking Coffee Make Us Dehydrated?
Many people have believed that drinking coffee or even tea will leave you dehydrated.
These claims have been drastically over-exaggerated.
Studies say that drinking coffee has a very minimal effect on dehydration.
Furthermore, coffee can actually greatly help in exercise performance!
Studies say you will see great benefits in power and endurance when using coffee as a tool.
However, if you do it every workout then it can stop having its effects on you.
Therefore, using coffee as a tool on days you know are going to be very challenging in the gym can be greatly beneficial.
And no, it won’t reduce your benefits of the water you drank!
Last Words
With over 60 percent of our bodies being made up of water, you would be foolish to not keep the tank full for optimal performance.
The fact is you can greatly improve your overall functioning and well being by consuming a proficient amount of water.
For Men 3.7 liters through your day is enough.
For Women 2.7 liters is optimal.
Also, don’t forget that when it’s warmer outside, those daily recommendations can go up.

Personal Trainer
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