Are you looking to lose weight safely? While there are a plethora of ways to lose weight, going about it in an obsessive and dangerous way can do real harm to your metabolism.
Therefore, my goal for you is to learn THE proper methods to lose weight so you not only lose it effectively but keep it off forever.
Let’s get to it!
Avoid Crash Diets
Diets that are ultra restrictive and that have you eating 500 calories are setting you up for a HUGE failure! When you cut calories, your body responds by awakening it’s self-defense system. Meaning, your body’s natural response to less food coming in is to store body fat when you overeat.
With this knowing, when you cut an extreme amount of calories, there’s a metabolic adaption that takes place. The metabolic adaption is, your metabolism slows down. When it slows down and you start eating normally again after losing the desired weight, what happens? You rebound! Stats show that 70% of people who lose weight will gain it all back in a year. 85% percent of the people will gain it back in year 2. And by the third year, 95% of people will have gained it all back!
Why is this? It’s because diets are set up in a manner where they don’t look out for your best long term interest. They lookout for the MONEYYY!
However, there is a solution to all of this.
The solution? Create a proper calorie deficit and consume more protein. By consuming more protein, you will put on lean muscle, feel fuller and your body will burn extra calories by just breaking the food down!
Furthermore, after you have finished losing all the desired weight, have a plan. Don’t just go about eating like you haven’t seen food in 9 months.
This is where doing a proper reverse diet helps. A reverse diet is when you slowly start adding calories back into your diet. This could be 40-50 calories every week or two. By doing this, your body will adapt to the calories coming in and you will be able to start speeding up your metabolism while minimizing body fat gain.
Weight Training
Nothing will allow you to achieve your weight loss goals safely like weight training. Weight training has been shown to speed up your fat loss progress and metabolism while helping you build lean muscle and making you stronger.
For this reason, weight training 2-4x a week is optimal for you to see results.
Performing exercises that involve multiple joints is the most efficient way to weight train. Doing exercises such as squats, lunges, rdl’s, presses, rows to name a few would deeply benefit your ability to see results quicker.
Furthermore, mixing in some isolation exercises and core exercises is a great addition to your training program.
Stay Away from Fads
If you’re not familiar with all the fads out there, great! Because you don’t have any unlearning to do. However, for those that are familiar with them, know how cunning the fads are. They promise you that this waist trainer, or herbal tea and skinny shake will have you looking lean in no time.
The truth? None of them have special fat loss powers. But, if you’re looking to ruin your internal organs, then a great way to do so is by putting on a waist trainer. And the teas/shakes? Well, let’s just say you’re better off eating in a calorie deficit because that is the ONLY way to lose weight properly.
Therefore, save your cash and don’t fall for all these fads because if you want to lose weight safely, avoid these scams that will ruin your metabolism!
Enjoy Your Favorite Foods in Moderation
A big reason why diets fail is that they are ultra restrictive. When diets say you cannot have certain foods, what happens? It makes you crave those foods that much more.
Therefore, enjoying your favorite foods in moderation can save you from falling off the cliff when it comes to your weight loss journey. If you feel like having ice cream, have it, but, make sure to track it so you don’t go overboard.
Being a moderate and flexible with your diet will keep you on track on making sure you do not go on a binge of a lifetime.
All in all, for you to lose weight safely, don’t be an extremist. Most diets fail because they are ultra restrictive and do not have your long term interest in mind. Eat-in a calorie deficit and weight train properly. Once you have lost your desired weight, do not stop weight training! Continue to train hard and slowly begin to add calories in. This way, you will not only lose weight safely, but you will keep it off!

Personal Trainer
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