10 Easy Ways to Cut Calories

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Are you looking for simple and easy ways to cut calories?

Then look no further than this article because I am going to go over 10 sure-fire ways you can cut calories, while still enjoying your favorite foods!

However, before I go any further, I wanted to mention, without being in a calorie deficit you simply cannot lose weight. For this reason, it is important for you to cut calories.

Now, eating fewer calories can be hard because you still want to enjoy those delicious meals, but the good thing for you, there are ways you can still do both.

With that being said, scroll below to find out the 10 easy ways to cut calories!

Getting just a coffee from starbucks is a great way to cut calories

10 Simple Ways to Cut Calories

1. Eat More Protein

– By eating more protein-rich foods you will by default be consuming fewer calories. How so you may ask? Because foods high in protein are generally lower in calories. Furthermore, protein-rich foods make you feel fuller for longer, therefore making sure that you don’t overeat. Lastly, by consuming high protein foods, your body will burn 25-30% of its calories just by breaking the food down that you consumed! To learn more about how protein helps with weight loss, click here for the article I wrote.

2. Consume More Fiber

– Eating a diet high in fiber has great health benefits and significantly reduces your calorie intake. Some of the benefits of eating a high fiber diet include: Helps control blood sugar levels, reduces risk of heart disease because it sweeps out bad cholesterol, removes environmental toxins and helps you stay fuller so do not overeat! Therefore, by eating more fiber foods, such as more fruits and vegetables, you will surely be able to cut calories.

3. Reduce Your Sauce Intake

– Now, it hurts me to say this because I love putting sauce on a lot of my food, but reducing the amount of sauce you use is a great way to cut calories. Depending on the sauce you use, it can add anywhere from 70-200 calories. However, just be cautious of how much and what kind of sauce you put on your food. Don’t cut it out completely because you do enjoy it, but just reduce the amount you use.

4. Drink More Water

– The greatest thing about water, beyond that your body literally needs it, is that it has ZERO calories. In fact, by cutting out pop drinks the majority of the time and having water instead, you’re guaranteeing yourself a reduction of 150-200 calories.

5. Zero Calorie Drinks

– This is a great alternative for people who enjoy having coca-cola or any other pop related drinks. The zero-calorie cokes/pop options allow you to still enjoy your favorite drinks, without putting you in a caloric surplus unknowingly.

6. Start Tracking Your Calories

– The best way to find out how much you’re eating in a day and to find out if you are truly in a caloric deficit is by tracking your calories. This way you’ll know how much carbs, protein, and fat you are consuming. By doing this, you can easily keep your caloric intake down because you will know exactly what your daily budget is, therefore allowing you to make better overall decisions, while enjoying your favorite foods in moderation.

7. Portion Control

– Some people do not want to track their calories and that is totally okay. However, practicing some form of portion control is key and there are various ways you can do this. A great way to do this is by eating in smaller plates, and smaller bowls. This way your plate will look a lot fuller, causing you to believe that you have ate a ton, but in reality, it’s less then what you would normally have.

8. Eat Your Favorite Foods in Moderation

– DO NOT cut your favorite foods out completely. If you do, you will binge like no tomorrow. Diets that allow you to have your favorite foods in moderation have been shown to be way
more effective for not only short term weight loss, but long term as well. Want a cookie? Instead of devouring 5-6, just have 1 or 2. Love chips? Pour them in a small bowl and look at the nutrition info on the back to limit your chip intake.

9. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

– Consuming calories from alcohol can get out of hand. This is not to say that you should not drink at all. However, snacking and eating when one is drinking is when things can get really dangerous for you. The reason being, when you consume more than 3+ drinks, your body thinks it’s in starvation mode. When this happens, your body stores everything as fat. This is why when people drink alcohol, the beer belly grows or some people notice their face fluffs up. With that being said, it is best to have lower calorie drinks or eat before you start drinking because of what was mentioned above.

10. Small over Large

– There is a high likelihood you will be put in a situation where you are at the movies, at a fast-food restaurant or you just got no choice but to eat high calorie-dense foods. However, there is a way to still make lower-calorie choices.

At the movies and want popcorn? Get the small and not the large. At a fast-food restaurant? Skip the fries or get a small. You can cut calories in a multitude of ways regardless of the situation you are in!
cut calories by making better choices at the movies


Ultimately, calories can be cut in a variety of ways. However, don’t be so restrictive that you don’t enjoy eating at all. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to cut calories while still enjoying your favorite foods in moderation!

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