How To Lose Weight Naturally

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Who else wants to learn how to lose weight naturally and keep it off forever?

If you want to do it quickly, but right, then you’ll want to continue reading on.

However, if you want to try fad diets, slim teas, and whatever else is the new craze then you might as well exit out of this article because this is not for you.

For the majority of you that are still here, I am going to go over 3 proven methods that will help you lose weight instantly and naturally so you can lose it the right way and keep it off forever.

Alright, let’s get to these 3 ways below.

lose weight naturally by eating strawberries
                      Consuming fruit is great way to naturally lose weight and a great low-calorie option

3 Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Calorie Deficit

You simply cannot lose weight naturally if you are not in a caloric deficit. What is a calorie deficit you may ask? It’s when your burning more calories then you are consuming in a day.

Now, there are 3 ways you burn calories throughout your day.

  1. You burn a certain amount of calories at rest and that is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR.) 
  2. Also, you burn calories while doing daily tasks or involuntary movements. For example, fidgeting or shrugging and this is known as NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)
  3. Furthermore, you burn calories through exercise (EA)

Therefore, if you are not losing weight, by DEFINITION, you are not in a negative energy balance aka a caloric deficit. You simply cannot lose weight if you are not in one.

Lastly, a great way to get yourself in a calorie deficit is by consuming more protein. Eating a high protein diet allows you to stay fuller for longer, thus allowing you to lose weight easier. Check this article out that I wrote on how protein helps with weight loss. 

Weight Training

Want to have a nice lean and natural-looking body? Well, then you must do some form of weight training! Resistance training has been shown to increase lean muscle mass, help you burn more calories at rest, increase your metabolism and burn body fat quickly!

Now for the ladies reading this, you won’t get bulky with weight training. Girls do not produce enough testosterone in their bodies to get bulky, thus making it nearly impossible to look huge.

With that being said, weight training while eating in a caloric deficit will give you the body you have always wanted!


You don’t have to do an endless amount of cardio to lose weight. However, doing a little bit is helpful because it will put you in a bigger caloric deficit. Think of it as the cherry on top after you finish your weight training.

In addition, it does not really matter if you do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) style cardio or steady-state. But, if you want to lose body fat quicker, HIIT is your best option. Even though it is more taxing on your body and takes you longer to recover from it, it still is the better option for fat loss.


Natural fat loss can be achieved easily through proper nutrition and the right exercise program. Doing it this way will make sure that you don’t fall off the wagon like you would by going on slim teas and diet pills. Furthermore, by doing it the natural way, you’re guaranteeing yourself results that can last you a lifetime and not JUST a few weeks!

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