For some reason, these weight loss myths continue to stick around.
They have been engraved in people’s minds and they just won’t let them go.
However, I want to destroy these myths once and for all.
Below are some of the myths that some people still identify with.
Carbs are Bad For You
Let’s get this straight, anything in EXCESS is bad for you.
Fruit, which is a carb, in large quantities can be bad for you!
Shoot, Water in LARGE dosages can be bad for you.
So when people say carbs are bad for you, they can be in huge dosages.
However, to say simply carbs are bad for you is a lazy take.
Is fruit bad for you?
How about veggies?
What actually is detrimental to you is eating calories in excess.
Overeating and having a large body fat percentage is a recipe for a lot of health-related issues.
But, that’s just not carbs related.
Carbs are totally fine, they are not bad for you.
You can eat them as apart of an overall healthy balanced diet.
By eating carbs you are not magically going to gain weight, you can only do that by eating in a caloric surplus!
Don’t Eat After 8 pm
The funny part is this myth is that eating after a certain time makes it seem that food all of a sudden increases in caloric value.
If a banana is 100 calories at 11 am, it’s not all of a sudden more calories at 8:05 pm.
Therefore, this weight loss myth has no intrinsic truth to it or value.
Fasted Cardio Burns More Overall Fat
If you want to know more about this topic in detail you can read my article What is the best cardio for weight loss.
But, what I will say is fasted cardio does not burn more fat than when you have eaten.
This is not to say fasted cardio does not work because it does.
It’s just to say it is not SUPERIOR then any other form of cardio.
You can do it if you like.
Though generally what will help you burn fat is being in a caloric deficit and performing weight training, with a sprinkle of cardio.
You Should Eat Every 2-3 Hours
This is one is hilarious.
The theory is by eating every 2-3 hours your metabolism will get faster.
However, what if you eat in a caloric surplus? Do you still shed body fat?
Simply put, meal frequency does not matter all that much.
What does matter though, is being in a calorie deficit.
By being in a caloric deficit you are guaranteeing yourself fat loss and improving your overall health markers!
Last Words
While there are a ton of weight loss myths, the truth will always prevail.
This is why it is vital to stick to what works best for you.
Do you enjoy eating 3 meals a day? Great! Do so as long as you stay in a calorie deficit.
Like fasted cardio? Awesome! But, just know it’s not superior for fat loss.
Do what you enjoy, as long as you can stick to it, keep on going!

Personal Trainer
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