Looking for the best exercises to perform so you can achieve your fat loss goals easily and properly?
Well, you have come to the right place as I am going to go over the best exercises for fat loss that have helped my clients lose weight and body fat time and time again.
Doing these exercises, while eating in a calorie deficit will help you achieve your goal of shedding body fat fairly quickly.
With that being said, practicing proper form while doing these exercises is vital.
For this reason, when about to do any of these exercises, don’t focus so much on increasing the weight at first.
Put your attention on form and then you can slowly begin to add weight. By taking this approach you will reduce your risk of injury greatly.
With that being said, make sure to watch the videos so you can see how to perform each exercise properly!
Alright, let’s get to the best exercises for fat loss below!
Legs (Glutes, Quads, and Hamstrings)
1. Bulgarian Split Squats
The Bulgarian split squat is an exercise you definitely need to add to your training program. It is one of the most challenging exercises you can do, however, it is one of the best exercises for fat loss and leg/glute development. It truly will have you seeing results fairly quickly.
Performing this exercise with bodyweight at first is ideal to get the form down. Once you have the form solidified, I recommend you do this exercise in either a contralateral fashion or ipsilateral.
In the video below you will see that I am performing an ipsilateral Bulgarian split squat (weight on the same side.) The reason I have a plate down is that I want to get more range of motion in the exercise, hence making it more challenging.
You can do this as well as you progress if you are not already there!
2. Forward Lunges
One of the best leg exercises you can do that targets your quads, glutes, and hamstrings is the forward lunge.
Performing this exercise will have you shedding body fat quickly and leaving your legs nice and defined!
If you are a beginner really focus on form and doing 2-3 sets at 8 reps on each side. This set and rep scheme would be optimal for you.
However, if you are more advanced then doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps and performing them in an ipsilateral or contralateral manner would be best to see results.
3. Reverse Lunges
A great exercise you can do to work your thighs is the reverse lunge. Performing this in a contralateral manner makes you feel it in your quads that much more.
When performing this exercise it is vital that you keep your core engaged and you yourself stay tight throughout. By focusing in, you will not be caught off balance and can do the exercise smoothly!
4. Side-Lying Hip Raises
One of my favorite exercises to work the glute medius and minimus is the side-lying hip raise.
This exercise seems all innocent, however, when you finish performing the set you feel your glutes absolute burn. It’s almost as if your glutes are going to cramp up that is how it feels.
With that being said, this is a great exercise to tighten up your glutes and easily one of the best exercises for fat loss you can do!
5. Squats
There is a reason squats are considered the king/queen of all exercises. It is called that because no exercise covers the amount of distance aka has that type of range of motion like the squat does.
Once you perform this exercise on a barbell, it truly becomes a full-body exercise, which makes it one of the best exercises for fat loss!
There are so many ways you can perform squat that they really deserve a post of their own but in this instance check the kettlebell squat video below!
6. Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift
Learning how to hip hinge properly is one of the most important things you can do. By maximizing tension in the hamstrings, performing any deadlift exercise that you do will NOT cause any back pain.
The reason people tend to feel back pain when performing any type of deadlift is that they are simply doing it wrong.
It’s like taking the wrong step and blaming it on stepping. Any exercise done wrong can be bad for you and it is no different here.
This is why it is vital to master the movement first before you jump up into the weights!
Check out the video below on how to perform the kettlebell RDL below with smoothe form.
7. Romanian Deadlifts (RDL)
The Romanian Deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do when it comes to targeting your whole posterior chain.
Though you will mostly feel it in the hamstrings throughout the movement, all muscles in the back are getting worked here still without you noticed.
This is why it is one of the best exercises for fat loss because no other exercise hits every part of your back like the Romanian Deadlift!
8. Deadlifts
One of the best exercises for fat loss and overall strength is the deadlift. Though I believe the RDL is better for fat loss because of the eccentric part of the movement, this does not dismiss the deadlift.
The deadlift has been ridiculed by some because they believe it is bad for your back.
Again, those people just were doing it incorrectly.
With that being said, it is important when performing this exercise to take your time to learn it.
This is why if you do need help, it is important to hire the right personal trainer. Hiring someone who has coached this movement over and over and over again will know when to make adjustments when you are not in the right position.
Lastly, from my experience of coaching this exercise over the last 6-7 years, it’s important you take your time during the deadlift. There is no need to rush it and rip off 5 reps or however many reps you are doing as fast as you can. Take your time make sure you are set and then pull.
Check the video below and see how I make sure I am set every time before I lift.
Back (Lattisimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, Traps)
9. Staggered Leg Rows
Some people tend to have a hard time getting their back into extension (keeping it straight) when they first begin to weight train.
This exercise is great because you not only learn how to keep your back in extension for a prolonged period and work it isometrically but you get to row out of it too.
Initially when rowing your back may want to round after a certain amount of reps but it is important to have your attention on keeping it in extension throughout the course of the exercise.
10. Hip Hinge Rows
Often referred to as the bent-over rows, I like to call them the hip hinge rows.
However, names aside, this is a great exercise to work your lats and biceps.
It is vital that throughout the movement you feel the tension in your hamstrings as they are going to hold everything together so you do not feel any pain in your lower back during the movement.
11. Bird Dog Rows
This is an amazing exercise when it comes to working on core stability and your Lattisimus Dorsi aka lats.
However, because this exercise is more intermediate and advanced, you might want to get the bird dog down first. You can see how to perform the bird dog by clicking here.
Once you feel comfortable with the bird dog, try the bird dog row.
At first, you can anchor your foot against the bench, but as you do get more familiar with the exercise, then begin to move your foot back so it forces you to use your core and glutes to stay balanced throughout the movement.
12. Barbell Rows
The most important aspect of this exercise is being able to keep your back in extension.
This is why it is vital to perform this exercise once you have been training for at least 6-8 weeks because you will be able to maintain a nice straight back in your hip hinge as you barbell row.
As you do this exercise, you do not want to lose your position and start forcing the weight up.
For this reason, find a challenging weight that won’t hinder your form!
13. Pullups
When it comes to performing pull-ups, they are not easy to do. This is why it is important to build yourself up to them if you cannot do them just yet.
I wrote an article on the ultimate beginners guide to pullups that you can read about by clicking here.
With that being said, as you begin to lose body fat, you will be able to do this exercise a lot easier.
Also, the pullups will make your back strong and defined!
Chest & Shoulders (Pecs, Deltoids, Trapezius, Triceps)
14. Pushups
The one exercise everyone has probably done at one point in their life or another is the pushups.
Whether at elementary school, high school or if you were apart of any organized team, you did pushups.
With that being said, a lot of the times when pushups were taught, you were most likely doing them while your elbows were flaring out.
You do not want to do that because it puts a lot of stress on your shoulder joints and rotator cuff.
For this reason, it is good to practice having your elbows go back or at an angle of 75 degrees. This way you will work your pecs and triceps without stressing your shoulder girdle.
15. Incline Pushups
One of the best ways to learn how to perform pushups properly besides knee on the ground ones is to do them in an incline fashion.
By doing them this way, you can work on how to move your elbows throughout the exercise.
Furthermore, you will see that once you perform pushups off the ground eventually that it will be a lot easier because your movement pattern is a lot smoother due to you doing incline pushups at first.
16. Bench Press
If we polled over 100 people, specifically men, and asked them what their favorite upper body exercise is, I am confident that at least 95 percent of those folks would say it is the bench press.
No exercise comes close to what the bench press makes you feel when done correctly.
How it makes you feel aside, this is one of the best exercises to tighten up your pecs and arms.
Women definitely should be doing this exercise as well as it will transform the way you look.
17. Bench Dips
The bench dips are a great exercise to target your triceps.
Girls that I have worked with always talk about wanting to target the tricep area and this is a great exercise to hit that area.
When performing this exercise you want to make sure you are close to the bench and to make it more challenging, eventually, you can add a box so you can elevate your feet and increase the range of motion.
18. Press
Whether you perform this exercise with a kettlebell or a dumbbell, it is vital that you do this exercise with prestige form.
A great pointer for this exercise is to have your arm moving straight up and down in a line. You do not want to be flaring your elbows out or have your hand going out. Just straight up and down will have you performing this exercise correctly.
19. Bottom-Up Press with a Kettlebell
Not only is this a great exercise to work on your rotator cuff strength, but it is a tremendous exercise to strengthen your overall shoulders with.
When you perform this exercise it is very important that you really focus on stabilizing and moving your arm up and down in a straight line. You do not want to be flaring out your elbows and have the kettlebell flailing all over the place.
For this reason, find a reasonable weight you can do for 8 reps.
Furthermore, make sure you grab the weight from the center of the handle. People tend to grab it closer to the edge of the handle because it makes it easier to balance, but the point is not to have it be easy!
20. Overhead Press (OHP)
No exercise is like the overhead press.
Why is that?
Because not one exercise requires you to press over your head as this one does.
Also, no exercise hits every muscle of the shoulder girdle quite like the OHP.
All in all, this exercise is not only one of the best exercise for fat loss but one of the best for upper body strength as well.
21. Shoulder Taps
One of the best exercises you can do for rotational and core stability is the shoulder taps. By performing this exercise it will force you to stay solid throughout the movement as you tap the opposite shoulder with your hand at the top of the pushup position.
You want to minimize hip rotation and you can do that by squeezing your glutes tight. By squeezing your glutes tight your hip won’t be twisting all over the place.
Core (Abdominals, Internal/External Obliques
22. Planks
One of the most popular core exercises that everyone knows about and you have probably performed it yourself is the plank.
However, most people are doing the plank wrong.
Not in terms of form, but in terms of duration.
Dr. Stuart MCgill has come out and said that it is better to perform planks in intervals then it is to hold for long durations.
For example, holding it for 10-15 seconds and then down for 5 seconds and doing this repeatedly for however long you would like is more beneficial then long holds.
The reason you want to do it this according to Mcgill is that it is useless holding for prolonged periods and it is more beneficial to do it intervals.
You can check his comments by clicking here.
23. Side Bridge
The side bridge is apart of Dr. Stuart Mcgills ‘BIG 3.’ To check out the big 3, click here.
This is a great exercise to include in your training program because it targets your obliques.
At first just to get the movement down keep your legs closer to your body. As you begin to progress and find the exercise become too easy, straighten the legs out to a level that is challenging for you.
24. Side Plank
Before you move into the side plank it is important that you master the side bridge first.
By doing that, when you come into to do the side plank, your form won’t be a problem and it will be a smoothe transition into this exercise.
With that being said that, the side plank is a staple core exercise that you should be performing.
It’s an amazing exercise that works your obliques, and really helps strengthen your lower back.
Because this exercise works your endurance muscles, you can do long holds when performing side planks.
25. Dead Bugs
One of the best exercises you can do to strengthen your core and reduce lower back pain is the dead bug. You cannot spot reduce, however you can tighten up your abs and it will show once body fat has gone down.
The most important aspect when doing dead bugs at first is though is to learn how to ‘crunch.’ What I typically do here is get a person to sit on the bench and I place my hand on their lower back and get them to push back into my hand with their lower back and they’ll begin to crunch.
Once you learn how to crunch you can do the dead bug from the floor.
With your arms up and legs up like in the video below, crunch down with your lower back and your core will begin to feel it in your core.
Hold the position for about 20-30 seconds and do not forget to breathe.
Slowly as you get more advanced you will be able to add progressions to it but at first, just perform the dead bug as is.
26. Russian Twists
The Russian twists are a great rotational core exercise.
They work your obliques, abdominals and spinal erectors.
However, some people do tend to report that they get lower back pain sometimes when they perform this exercise.
With that being said, from observing the exercise myself, I tend to believe it happens when you lean too far back into it.
Yes, you want to be on an angle when doing the Russian twists, but you do not want to be leaning so far back as if you are a passenger in the front seat about to take a nap.
When it comes to proper programming, how you split your days up does not matter all that much.
Want to train each body part on a separate day?
Go ahead.
Do you want to only workout 2 times a week and perform whole-body workouts both times.
By all means, do it!
Whatever split you do decide to do, the main factor in seeing results is consistency.
It does not matter if you have the world’s greatest diet plan with the best workout plan ever created, if you do not eat in a calorie deficit and get your workouts in, you won’t achieve your goal of blasting away body fat.
This is why it is important to just be consistent.
Yes, there are going to be days you do not want to workout. That is for sure going to happen.
However, when you have those days, even if you just do a little bit and stay present as possible throughout the training session, it will pay dividends.
Furthermore, if you do give in to those thoughts of your mind making excuses not to work out (and does it ever create a great story to convince you not to work out) you will give in every single time.
All in all, these are some of the best exercises for fat loss as long as you eat in a calorie deficit because they challenge your body, create great muscle definition and having you blasting body fat very quickly!

Personal Trainer
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