5 Things You Didn’t Know About Protein & Fat Loss

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Protein & fat loss are greatly connected.


Well, let’s waste no time and find out below!

1. Helps You Stay Full

Simply by staying full for prolonged periods, you will not be able to overeat (unless you want your stomach to explode.)

For this reason, it is extremely important that you eat a high protein diet.

Protein-rich meals have been shown to help with satiety and reducing overall calories.

By reducing overall calories, you will stay in a calorie deficit easier and begin losing body fat/weight!

2. Aids In Recovery

Being extremely sore all the time is not fun.

It makes existing that much harder.

This is why having an adequate amount of protein per day is ideal.

Not only will it help repair tissues and reduce overall soreness, but by doing that, you will have better performance in your workouts.

If you are sore all the time, well, then training is not going to be enjoyable.

Therefore, consume a high protein diet so you don’t miss workouts and can stay on top of your goals!

protein & fat loss are greatly connected and consuming chicken can help in both areas

3. Thermogenic

The best part about consuming protein is that you burn calories by eating it.

Yes, that is not a lie.

Your body essentially burns calories trying to break the food down.

How many calories does your body burn?

It ends up burning about 25-30 percent of the calories that you just ate.

By having such a thermic effect, you put yourself in a great advantage!

4. Decreases Body Fat

There is no doubt about it, by consuming a high protein diet that you will greater your chances of decreasing body fat.


Because you will not be overeating due to you feeling full and satisfied.

Also, because when you eat a high protein diet, while in a calorie deficit, you can speed up the process of losing weight and shedding body fat.

Therefore, protein is vital when it comes to decreasing body fat and losing weight.

5. Helps Build Lean Muscle

This has been known for years on end, but protein helps build muscle like no other macronutrient.

The great part about adding more muscle is that it can actually help you burn more calories.

Yes, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.

This is why it is vital to weight train properly.

Consuming a high protein diet and weight training is a sure-fire way of blasting away body fat and putting on lean muscle!

Last Words

With protein & fat loss being so connected it be a shame for you not to eat a high protein diet while being in a calorie deficit.

By doing this you can lose weight and body fat easier while tightening up areas that you would like too!

Check out some high protein foods by clicking here.

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