When dieting you are going to feel hungry, but there are some actual ways to control your hunger.
This is a natural part of being in a calorie deficit and when that happens you have to find ways to keep yourself full without overdoing it on the calories.
In this article, you will discover the best ways to stay full when in a dieting/fat loss phase.
I hope you get a lot out of this article.
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1. Shorten Your Eating Window
What do I mean by shortening your eating window?
Sometimes when we eat more meals in a short period of time, it helps us feel fuller for longer.
This is why a lot of people tend to like to eat in an intermittent fasting style.
How does one eat when eating in an intermittent fasting style?
Basically you would eat all your calories in an 8 hour period and fast for 16 hours.
For example, let’s say you eat your first meal at 12 pm to break your fast, you would have to eat your last meal by 8 pm.
For some people, this is an easier way to eat because they can eat large chunks of calories at once which helps you stay full.
If this works for you, then great!
Whatever helps you stay full in a dieting phase the better it is!
2. Consume More Protein
One of the greatest ways to actually control your hunger is to consume a high protein diet.
A little known fact about eating more protein is that it keeps you full for a prolonged period.
This has been overlooked in dieting culture for a long time, but this is very important.
Protein has other great benefits as well which I wrote about here.
However, when it comes to satiety, this is definitely one of it’s greatest traits.
Also, let’s not forget that when you consume a high protein diet, your body burns calories by breaking the food you consumed down.
For this reason, be sure to include protein in every meal and by doing that, you can give yourself a better chance of dissolving hunger!
3. Eat More Fiber
Fiber is extremely beneficial for you in terms of overall health.
It helps remove environmental toxins from your body, helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and since we are on this topic, helps with satiety!
This is why it is vital to consume a sufficient amount of fiber per meal when dieting.
Combine high fiber foods with high protein ones and you are going to avoid any symptoms of hanger arising within you.
What are some foods that are high in fiber and how much should you consume in a day?
I wrote about it both those question and you can check it out by clicking here.
All in all, one of the actual ways to control your hunger is definitely by consuming a high fiber diet!
4. Consume Zero-Calorie Drinks
The worst thing you can do is drink your calories when you are in a fat loss phase.
By drinking your calories from sugary drinks, you won’t feel full at all and it will make it hard for you to stay in a calorie deficit.
For this reason, it is important to drink water.
Water will help curb hunger and of course, help you on many other levels. I wrote about the great benefits of water here. Check it out.
Anyways, back to zero-calorie/low-calorie drinks.
Water is great of course, but having coffee or tea can be greatly beneficial too.
Coffee and tea have been shown to help reduce hunger and for this reason, you can definitely have it during a fat loss phase if you would like.
5. Get a Sufficient Amount of Sleep
Sleeping when you are cutting calories becomes all the more vital.
Let’s say you do eat in a shorter time period, for those 16 hours you are not eating, you do not want to be up for the majority of it.
Because sleep helps us with recovery, our energy levels and, overall alertness, it is important that you get at least 6-8 hours of sleep in.
This will help in your recovery from your workouts and make sure you do not have excessive craving because it can happen with a lack of sleep.
All in all, getting the appropriate amount of rest will help you with eating fewer calories.
6. Minimize Alcohol
Alcohol can lead to you packing in the calories.
How so?
What happens when we drink an excessive amount of alcohol is our bodies think we are in starvation mode.
When that happens, your body ends up storing everything you eat with the alcohol as fat because the body wants to metabolize the alcohol.
Therefore, drinking excess amounts not only hurts your fat loss goals but can potentially help you pack on the weight vs losing it!
This is why it is vital to limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks MAX.
7. Watch Your Mind
A lot of times when we crave something or want something, we end up giving into it fully.
We give into it as if we do not have a choice.
However, we always have a choice.
A helpful practice when the craving arises within you is to instead of giving in to the craving, you watch it and see what the thought and feelings are trying to do.
By doing this you do not allow the craving to have power over you and it does not end up taking you where it wants to.
This is not to say you cannot enjoy certain foods because you can. It just means that there is a way to go beyond your cravings without suppressing them!
Last Words
There is no denying that you are going to feel hungry often when you are in a calorie deficit, but that does not mean we cannot combat it.
The above ways are how you can actually control your hunger when dieting.
Furthermore, by applying the above methods, you can see greater results and reduce your chances of falling off the wagon greatly.
Lastly, if you indeed want to take a diet break, you can.
However, just simply letting go and eating a boatload is not ideal.
Therefore, give yourself days where you enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.
Do not overdo it, but by allowing yourself to enjoy yourself a little bit, you will not fall off the fat loss wagon.

Personal Trainer
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