You may have been told at one point or another that in order to lose weight, eating carbs at night is a definite no.
Matter of fact, eating carbs, in general, is a for sure no.
But, where did this thought come from? And why has it been engraved in so many minds?
This thought came from ‘experts’ that claimed that when you eat carbs at night, and because your metabolism slows down in the evening, you will store everything as fat.
Furthermore, there were claims that your insulin sensitivity decreases at night AND that shift tends to make the carbs go towards fat more than muscle.
However, is any of this actually true?
Let’s find out below.
Does Your Metabolism ACTUALLY Slow Down at Night?
Now, let us think about this for a second here, when you lay down in bed your obviously not burning as many calories as you would if you were up and moving around.
With that knowing, it’s safe to say, without even looking at a study, that your metabolic rate is going to slow down at that point.
Now, let’s take a look at one study that did look at that.
There was a study done by Katayose et al. and in it, it states that your metabolism slows down by approximately 35% during your first half of sleep!
HOWEVER, during the second half of sleep, research shows that in REM sleep, you actually have an increase in energy expenditure.
Furthermore, studies also found the more you train and the leaner you are, your sleeping metabolic rate actually increases!
Also, some peoples sleeping metabolic rate actually becomes better than their resting metabolic rate!
Therefore, if you are someone who trains and is active, you don’t have to worry too much about eating late at night!
Do You Lose More Weight If You Eat Carbs Earlier?
A lot of people assume that if you simply cut out carbs, you will lose weight.
Yes, there is truth to that because you have cut out a whole food group and due to that, you have put yourself in a calorie deficit.
But, it is not because of the carbs, it’s due to you being in a deficit.
What about Carbs at Night Vs. Carbs Spread Out?
There was actually a study published in the journal of obesity about this topic.
Essentially these researchers did a 6-month study.
There were two groups and each group consumed the same calories, and their macro nutrients were the same as well.
However, one group ate carbs throughout the day, while the other group ate 80% of their carbs at night.
What did the study find?
The study found that after 6 months, the group who ate carbs at night lost significantly more weight and body fat.
The study also found that the group who ate carbs at night had better satiety than the group who ate carbs spread out!
Furthermore, the study found that the group who ate carbs at night improved their overall health markers too!
Therefore, it’s safe to say that eating carbs at night is NOT going to hinder your fat loss or cause a disturbance to your health!
You will be more than okay, as long as you are in a calorie deficit!
The myth that you have to eat every 2-3 hours because it improves your blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity is just plain bogus.
When it comes to losing weight, it is not the time you eat at or how many meals you have, it’s whether you are in a calorie deficit or not.
You will not lose weight without being in a negative energy balance no matter what you do.
Sure, you can cut out carbs, but truly ask yourself ‘Is that sustainable?’
Furthermore, don’t worry about eating carbs at night and thinking it’s too late. It has zero effect on whether you will lose weight or not.
What truly matters in weight and fat loss is being in a calorie deficit, that is it!

Personal Trainer
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