Want to learn how to burn calories for results? Well, then you will want to continue reading through the whole article!
There are various ways you can burn calories, but not all will get you to a nice lean body.
This is why in this article you will discover the best ways to burn calories for results, which form of training is the best and much much more.
Let’s get into it now!
1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Now, for those who think you only burn calories by doing just exercise, well that simply is not the case. There are various ways you burn calories.
However, the first way you burn calories is literally by doing nothing.
That’s right by doing NOTHING
This is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate.
Essentially what this means is that you burn calories by simply just existing.
For your body to ‘keep the lights on’ it has to burn a certain amount of calories.
But, this does vary from person to person.
The more you have trained and increased your metabolic rate by reverse dieting the better your BMR will be.
Therefore, you can increase your BMR through proper training and diet!
2. Physical Activity
This is the one everyone knows about. Burning calories through some form of exercise.
You can burn calories through weight training, cardio, and playing some form of sports.
However, what is the most optimal way to get a lean body?
Well, it is proper weight training with a sprinkle of cardio!
Weight training has been shown time over time to help you lose weight quickly and properly
You also put on lean muscle giving you that nice lean body.
Furthermore, you become stronger and have much more energy to do daily tasks.
For this reason, weight training is hands down the best way to burn calories for results because of the aforementioned benefits!
This is not to say that you cannot do cardio because you absolutely can, but the majority of your programming should involve weights!
3. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)
What does NEAT even mean? Well, it essentially means the daily tasks you perform! You can assist your weight loss by increasing your daily activity.
What do I mean by daily activity?
Well, think of things you do on a daily basis like walking, gardening, cleaning, putting things away.
All of these help you burn calories.
Let’s talk about steps though here.
It is vital to get anywhere from 8-12k steps in a day.
Doing this will help you significantly because you will be active and burning extra calories, and not just sitting around all day.
This is where a FIT BIT can help you a lot!
By getting a FIT BIT from amazon you will be able to track how many steps you walk in a day and be more likely to hit your target of 8-12k steps in a day!
4. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)
There are foods that help you burn calories just by breaking food down!
Say what?
Yes, eating foods that are high in protein have a great thermic response!
Basically your body trying to break protein down burns 25-30% of the calories!
The great thing is though with these foods you not only burn calories but they help keep you full for long periods!
For this reason, it is vital to consume thermogenic foods.
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Personal Trainer
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