For every girl who wants a flat stomach once and for all, you will want to finish this article and apply what is in it.
The one question every female that I’ve ever trained has always has asked me is
“How do I get a flat stomach?’
And I tell them that you can do it easily by applying these 3 guaranteed methods:
- Eating in a calorie deficit
- Consuming a High Protein Diet (check my last post by clicking here)
- Doing the PROPER Exercises
You do the above 3 and you will get there.
Today, I want to talk about the third thing I mentioned above, doing the proper exercises.
While there are a lot of great exercises out there for girls to get a flat stomach, performing these 5 exercises that I am going to mention below will help you shed belly fat efficiently and effectively.
Alright, let’s get to these Exercises!
1) Squats
There’s no way around it, if you want to achieve your goal of a flat stomach easier, adding squats to your training program is absolutely vital. The Squat is considered the king/queen of all exercises because you use your whole body and when you do that, over 200 muscles get worked when performing this exercise.
However, learning how to do this exercise properly is ultra important due to its complex nature. Therefore, I have attached a video for you below so you can see the most effective way for you to sqwwaaaahttt!
Learn how to squat bodyweight first because you’ll be able to fix any kinks in your movement. After that, slowly start adding weight, such as kettlebells or dumbells. Lastly, switch over to a barbell squat once your dumbbell or kettlebell squat gets to about 30-35lbs.
2) Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
The Romanian Deadlift is one of the most effective exercises you can do. Simply off observation, I got to see clients who performed this movement properly really lose the good old love handles and build great hamstring definition.
Accordingly, this exercise does involve all the muscles of your posterior chain (all muscles from your calf to your upper back.) Also, your core, shoulders, and pecs get worked significantly when doing this exercise.
However, when the RDL is done properly, you will feel it quite a bit in your hamstrings.
Though all the aforementioned muscles are being worked, the focal point of the movement is that you feel it in your hamstrings.
Learn how to bodyweight hip hinge properly first. Once you know how to get into the hip hinge, you will easily be able to add weight to it. When you add weight to it, start by doing Kettlebell RDL’s and then eventually make your way to the barbell. Once you get to 35-40lbs on the hip hinge with a kettlebell and have done 8+ sets at that weight for 8-10 reps, switch over to the barbell. Watch the video below to see how to properly hip hinge.
3) Pullups
The one exercise that a lot of programs neglect to add in is pullups! What’s crazy about the pullups is that when they did EMG data (basically telling us how activated muscles get during an exercise,) they found that pull-ups was in the top 3 in terms of core activation! The reason being is because when you’re pulling yourself up and coming down controlled, your core has to be super engaged because if it isn’t, well… you won’t have much success.
You could start by doing TRX Rows and slowly making your way to the banded pullups as the video shows below. Or, you can do negatives. However, with negatives, it is optimal if you have someone helping you. What are negatives you may ask? This where you jump and pull yourself up with someone’s assistance, but you come down slowly. This method has been shown to recruit more muscle fiber better because of the eccentric loading (meaning the muscle is lengthening here.) By doing it this way you’ll be able to do a pullup a lot quicker than any other method!
This is hands down the best conditioning/cardio exercise you can do! Not only are you sprinting (which is challenging in of itself,) but you are performing sprints with weight!
However, before you think this may be too hard, you would initially start at a lightweight and then work your way up as it becomes lighter for you. Also, you would not sprint at 90-100% right away because you would be making sure your form and mechanics are correct before pushing yourself. Therefore, at first, it would be in your best interest to go at about a pace of 70-80%.
Now, you may be wondering what the sled works. This exercise works your core, quads, hamstrings, quads and shoulders/back in an isometric manner (isometric means the muscles not shortening or lengthening, but it’s still being worked.)
All things considered, this is definitely an exercise you want to perform. The best way to do this is to do about 6-8 sprints and every week or so add a little bit more weight to the sled as it becomes easier for you! As mentioned above, your pace should be at about 70-80% and as your form and mechanics improve you can pick up your speed.
5) DeadBugs
Want to feel your core burn? Well, you’ll instantly want to add this exercise to your workouts! When done properly, you will feel your core being activated like no other. Also, this exercise can greatly benefit you if you have lower back pain because it begins the process of fixing a pelvic tilt that you may have!
To learn how to “crunch” your core you can do so by sitting on a bench first. Sit upright on a bench and place the back of your hand on your lower back. Now push your lower back against your hand and feel your core is activated. This process is important because when you go into the deadbug you will know how to crunch your core and get proper activation.
The above exercises are crucial to perform for girls who want a flat stomach. It’s important to realize, your core gets stimulated significantly during all these exercises.
Therefore, make sure to add each of these exercises to your program and don’t forget, master the movements first before you start upping the weight.

Personal Trainer
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