There are ways to assist your weight loss that can help you significantly on your fat loss journey.
These ways can significantly help you when done in conjunction with proper diet and exercise.
Therefore, today you’ll discover the 3 ways you can assist your weight loss and how it’ll make it easier for you to live a better life and achieve your fat loss goals.
Continue reading below to find out what these ways are.
1. Increase Daily Activity
We tend to underestimate how many calories we burn by doing daily activities.
What falls under daily activities?
Activities such as walking, gardening, cleaning and moving things around to name a few are considered daily activities.
These all fall under N.E.A.T which stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.
People tend to believe you only burn calories through exercise, however that is simply not the case.
Your body burns calories in 4 ways. Simply by doing nothing (resting metabolic rate is what they call it,) through breaking down food and the other 2 were just mentioned above.
However, let’s go back to N.E.A.T for a moment.
It’s important to go for daily walks or to move around as much as you can because you’ll be burning quite a bit of calories by doing just that.
For this reason, a FIT BIT can be very helpful to assist your weight loss. A FIT BIT will tell you how many steps you’ve taken in a day, your average heart rate, and how many calories you’ve burned!
Furthermore, by wearing a FIT BIT you will be able to stay on track and have actual data to keep you going.
Therefore, when looking to increase your daily activity, a FIT BIT can definitely help you!
2. Eating Thermogenic foods
You may have heard the phrase a calorie is just a calorie before. However, that phrase is not fully true.
The reason being, each macronutrient has a different response within the body.
For example, let’s look at protein. When you consume protein, your body burns 25-30% of the calories just by trying to break the food down. Whereas for carbs and fats are in the single digits.
One would never think that eating high protein foods would burn calories, but they do.
This is why when cutting calories it is super important to foods that are filling and thermogenic.
The great thing is they are tied together.
Foods that are high in protein and fiber have a great thermogenic response to them.
Therefore, you can simply assist your weight loss by eating thermo effective foods!
3. Relaxing
Do you stress eat? Actually, do you stress easily? Well, that’s trouble waiting to happen.
We as humans tend to take life way too seriously at times and that causes deep negativity within ourselves.
You ask anyone if stress feels good and the answer will be a predominant no.
However, you still tend to let the mind run your life.
Would you go to the grocery store and buy a bag of stress?
You can simply choose to step out of the stress by taking your attention out of your mind and rooting it into the NOW.
In the NOW there is no stress. It is mind created. Therefore, with that knowledge, start stepping out of the mind and pay attention to the present moment. Deeply relax and start watching thoughts and emotions. In this case, watch the cravings and the stress.
By observing and watching you’ll realize you are not the stress itself. It’s something that happens within humans. By no longer feeding the stress-energy, you will start to feel deep peace.
Now, what does relaxing have to do with weight loss?
Well, you’ll make better decisions because your connection with food is not run by emotions, instead, you’re more aware of what you’re eating.
Furthermore, you don’t blindly keep stuffing your face. You enjoy your favorite foods in moderation and you eat healthy majority of the time.
Therefore, don’t go the way stress wants you to go, move the way peace wants you to move. Don’t mechanically stuff your face, consciously grab the food and eat it.
By doing this your relationship with yourself and food will improve drastically!
Last Words
All in all, you can assist your weight loss by applying the aforementioned ways.
By increasing your daily exercise you’ll increase your calorie output.
By eating thermogenic foods the body will be burning calories by simply breaking food down.
Lastly, just relax. Nothing in life is too serious, it is all temporary. Enjoy the life you’re living and don’t let stress run your life.
(This post contains affiliate links. These are products I recommend that can benefit you like they have my self)

Personal Trainer
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